
佚名 0 条评论 2022-03-08 23:43

中印今日正式宣战:-比特币采矿公司因在田纳西州制造高噪音而被起诉 中印今日正式宣战: 比特币采矿公司因在田纳西州制造高噪音而被起诉 A bitcoin mining operation in Tennessee is being sued by neighbors due to the high level of noise the facility produces. The lawsuit, which was filed in August, asks mining operator Red Dog to shut down operations and pay personal damages fees, as well as compensate owners for decreased property values. The lawsuit could set a precedent for other cases now that Bitcoin mining companies are seeking to migrate to new zones previously ignored. Bitcoin Mining Operation Faces Noise Complaint Red Dog Technologies, the owner of a Bitcoin mining operation located in the U.S. state of Tennessee, is being sued by a member of a neighboring community due to the amount of noise the operation produces. According to reports from local media, the complaint states that the noise coming from the mine creates a situation that “unreasonably interferes” with the “use and enjoyment” of the plaintiff’s property. Worries about the mine disturbing citizens and the legality of the operation have already been raised to Washington County Mayor Joe Grandy, who was informed about the issue in June. Apparently, the mine didn’t comply with the zoning requirements to perform cryptocurrency mining operations in the area. Red Dog reportedly tried to dampen the noise last summer, but commissioners weren’t satisfied. An Important Lawsuit While some might see this lawsuit as just another common complaint, it has special importance that could set a precedent for similar cases now that mining companies are setting up in regions that were ignored previously. At the core of the complaint is a rezoning proposal that Brightridge, the power company that leases the property to Red Dog, the mine operator, requested from the county to be able to operate the facility (that is described as a blockchain data center) in the zone. The complaint states that the rezoning request, 将区域类型从一般农业改为农业商业的提议不够准确,因此被认为是有效的。该请求称,“虽然数据中心上有小型风扇会产生噪音,但请愿人已告知,噪音被视为很小,不会影响相邻物业,也不会从相邻物业听到噪音。”
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